Tuesday, December 9, 2008

photoshop project class notes

Pick a fictional video
8 x 8 picture
to capture the picture
Shft + Command+ 4

size clip pic
- change resolution to 300
- change size 8in x 8in
run crop tool from corner to corner

magnify- text tool- add directors name(hevelica bold 9-11pt)
Word from title you want to portray

window - layers
image- adjust brightness/contrast

light tones in a picture

image- adjust color bablance
add yellow and/or red for warmth


Darken one area
burn tool

lighten an area
dodge tool

blurring tool
filter-blur- gaussian blur

Texture in background
use layers to reveal different parts of the picture

3 pictures total

first picture needs to be lightened/ darkened
2nd picture needs to have a blurred background
3rd picture needs to have a new background you create to go along with the "word" you chose

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